

Indications of the BOK'S Nasal Splint

  1. Patients after surgery may use the nasal splint under surgeon's prescription. The splint is also helpful in maintaining the nasal contour after operation, as well as facilitating the recovery of the patient.

2. For infants who suffer from complete cleft lip and nasal base, they may use using the nasal splint after receiving the lips and nasal base reconstructive surgery at 3 months of age. The splint can be used for both cosmetic purposes and enhancing normal growth by supporting the wings of the nose. For patients with slightly depressed nose, the splint may prevent possible nasal surgery in the future. For patients with a severely depressed nose, splint can improve the shape of their nose before future nasal surgical procedures.

3.Infants who are born with incomplete cleft lips, an intact nasal base often possess great plasticity and flexibility with their cartilage of the wing of nose. The splint produces the best results with patients with unilateral nasal deformity, which may prevent possible nasal surgery in the future.

4.The Bok's nasal splint can be modified to wear unilaterally on one side according to individual needs.